The Concord family would love to welcome you to our worship service!


We believe the Bible is God's word, through which God himself speaks to us and shapes us into his people. Preaching, therefore, has a central role in the life of Concord. We value gospel-centered, expositional preaching. In other words, our sermons normally walk through a text of Scripture, explaining and applying it to our lives in light of Jesus. Since every passage in the Bible leads to Christ, we want every message in our church to do the same. You can expect to be fed by preaching and teaching rooted deeply in Scripture, seeking to connect us with what God means for us to hear.  

Whether you’re a long-time Christian without a church home, or just beginning to explore Christianity, we hope you will join us as we listen to God’s word together. While Pastor David preaches during most services, we also have the opportunity to hear messages from other pastors and men in our congregation who are gifted to teach. Recent messages are available on the Sermons page.


We are all worshipers. We build our words, our actions, and our lives around the things we value the most. No matter who you are or what you believe, you are worshiping something. Matt Papa wrote that “we don’t begin worship, we aim it.” Sunday mornings at Concord are designed to help us aim our worship at the most worthy of all – Jesus Christ. 

Our services are shaped by the gospel. Whenever possible, our songs, prayers, and readings are structured to lead us through the good news that Jesus has paid for our sins and given us access to the Father. The goal is threefold: remind, rehearse, and repeat the gospel. We want to be reminded of God's goodness in the face of our inability to save ourselves. We want to rehearse the message, acknowledging what Jesus has done in us and for us. Finally, we want to encourage one another to repeat this good news as the Spirit gives us boldness among our neighbors and the nations.

Our music focuses on theologically rich and singable songs led by our band. Our music isn't of a particular vein: we try to embrace the best songs we can find - old and new - for the sake of pointing our hearts to Jesus. We regularly have a choir and sometimes a praise team. Our band includes piano, guitars, bass, drums and percussion. Our music is diverse, expressing joy, praise, thanks, confession, and sorrow to God. We celebrate the Lord's Supper once a month. If you would like to learn more or are interested in the music and media ministry, please contact Pastor Drew.

Music for our weekly Sunday service can be found on the “Concord Sunday” playlist on Spotify. You can hear other songs we have been singing recently on our "Concord Songs" playlist. If you are a Spotify subscriber, follow these playlists to fill your week with the songs of our congregation.


We have one worship service at 10:30 am. For those that may need it, the service is broadcasted on the TVs in the Atrium lobby, Office lobby, mother’s room, and Office Conference Room (sensory-friendly), as well as on our Facebook page, during the service time.

You don't need to dress any specific way. Some folks wear suits while others wear jeans. Look around – you'll find people you can relate to.

You can expect great childcare on Sunday morning during the service for kids under 4. Kids above the age of 4 sit with their families during the service to participate in our culture of multigenerational worship. Active listening worksheets can be found at the Worship Center entrance closest to the Children’s wing.

Our pastors would love to meet you and talk with you after the service. Also, many of our members stick around after the service to fellowship, so that is a great time to meet those sitting around you! We hope that you come with eager expectation to meet with God and His people.