Concord Camping Trip
to Mar 22

Concord Camping Trip

  • Gee Creek Campground at the Hiwassee/Ocoee Scenic River State Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Concord folks, we're scheduling a camping trip during spring break, and we'd love you to join us for one or both nights. We will be at the large group site of the Gee Creek Campgrounds. This is a primitive campsite, so there are no power or water hookups, and no gas generators are permitted. Tents and trailers are welcome, but we have been alerted that wet weather can make the area difficult for camping trailers. Folks using campers may prefer to reserve a space in the individual camping area (click here) where they can have power and water hookups. We will have plenty of water in coolers available on the site. An outhouse is located on the site, and a modern bathhouse is available a couple of minutes' walk away. 

We will plan to cook breakfast and dinner together each night, but you will need to bring your own lunches and snacks. A minimal cost ($10 per person per night) is set to cover these meals and the firewood.  We have set a family maximum of $25 - don't pay more than that per night on the registration page. You will also want to bring camp chairs and prepare for all the weather possibilities. There's no need to register day trippers or family members who aren't eating with us.

Other than our campfires and morning devotionals, there's no schedule - come and enjoy the outdoors and time with your church friends. There is a large field at the site and a hiking trail nearby. We are also close to several excellent entry points to both river access and flat water, so some folks may want to bring their kayaks or canoes. 

Your contacts for this trip are Richard Pershey (912) 660-6097, Kevin Roig (504)214-8011, and Drew Scott (423) 309-6722.

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Ladies Spring Tea
3:00 PM15:00

Ladies Spring Tea

Let all that you do be done in love.”  1 Corinthians 16:14

Ladies, please mark your calendar for a Spring Tea on Sunday, March 30 at 3:00 PM in the Gym. Registration will be open until Sunday, March 23. Please bring $3.00 cash per person to the tea. All proceeds go directly to Hope 4 One, a ministry that helps families who are adopting or fostering. There is a special need for teenager toiletries.Here are some ideas for the teenager gifts: nail polish, hair scrunchies, hair clips, soaps, lotions, body sprays, makeup, or anything else you might think a teenage girl or boy might enjoy. 

We also have the opportunity to help the foster parents who are having a challenging season by making care baskets for the families. If you would like to contribute to the baskets here are some ideas: gift cards for coffee, chocolate, mugs, cute socks, face masks, salts for baths, soaps, or lotions.

If you have any questions please contact Rachel Hutchinson at 423-605-4580.


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What We Share Mini-Conference
3:30 PM15:30

What We Share Mini-Conference

What can Concord do to reach our world for Christ? Not as much alone as we can in partnership with other like-minded churches. How do our convictions as a congregation help us to wisely evaluate and establish such partnerships? At our upcoming mini-conference on Sunday, March 2, guest speaker Nate Akin will help us understand the value of forging strategic partnerships in the gospel. 

Morning Session:
Characteristics of Healthy Cooperation (10:30 am)

Afternoon Session 1:
What We Hold Dear and Why (3:30 pm)

Afternoon Session 2:
Tough-Skinned & Tender-Hearted Baptists (4:45 pm)

Dinner Q&A: On the Pillar Network (6 pm)

The cost of the mini-conference is free for our members, but reservations are required for our meal preparation. Other registered guests can contribute $5 at the dinner. Register here or by calling the church office (423-892-9313).

Childcare will be provided for pre-K and below (the Chronicle printed an error), but we will need you to provide more details during the registration process so we can prepare in advance. We welcome kids into the afternoon sessions. We expect it to be a very relaxed atmosphere for families.

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Chili Cook-Off
5:00 PM17:00

Chili Cook-Off

Our fan-favorite Chili Cook-off returns this year on January 26 at 5 pm in the Gym. Bring your appetite, along with a crockpot full of your famous chili, soup, cornbread, side, or dessert to share. We will have prizes for the best traditional chili, non-traditional chili, and the infamous “not-a-chili” (soup).


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Monthly Prayer Groups
6:30 AM06:30

Monthly Prayer Groups

Our monthly prayer groups will gather together Tuesday, January 7, in Concord Hall. Men will meet from 6:30-7 am and women will meet from 11:15-11:45 am. For more information, men may contact Will Hutchinson at 423-718-1407 and women may contact Natalie King at 423-443-2487.


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Discipleship Group Registration
to Jan 19

Discipleship Group Registration

  • Concord Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

It is time for our Discipleship Groups to begin making preparations for the spring semester of 2025! 

Concord Member Discipleship Groups are for members wanting to grow more deeply in devotion to God and deepen Christ-centered relationships with others in our church. Discipleship Groups are mostly same gender small groups of 4-6 people that meet every other week (about 6 times a semester). We meet during the months of Feb – May (with a break over the summer), then again in Aug – Nov (with a break for the holidays). Men’s groups and women’s groups meet on alternate weeks to simplify childcare. 

If you are a Concord member and need a new group (either changing groups or joining for the first time), it is important that you register by the deadline, January 19 so that we have time to place everyone in a group that works well for them. Groups will start meeting the week of February 9 and end the last week of May. We are praying for you as you seek to meaningfully engage one another for the sake of Christ formed in you!

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Parenting Mini-Conference: Biblical Truth in a Chaotic World
8:30 AM08:30

Parenting Mini-Conference: Biblical Truth in a Chaotic World

Faithful parenting is a challenging endeavor, to say the least! We're excited to have our friend, Chap Bettis, to join us for this mini-conference that will help equip parents, grandparents, and other leaders of children for the amazing task of discipling the next generation. Chap will give great practical wisdom and tools driven by biblical principles, and this will be an encouragement and a strengthening for parents and others. Click here to register! For our Concord families, childcare, lunch, and conference resources will be included in the registration cost ($10/couple or $6/person).

Chap Bettis is the author of The Disciple-Making Parent: Raising Your Children to Love and Follow Jesus Christ. He is a frequent conference speaker and the executive director of The Disciple-Making Parent, a ministry dedicated to helping families pass the gospel to their children. For the previous 25 years, he was a lead pastor in a New England church plant. He also wrote Parenting with Confidence, Parenting with Patience, The Donut Date Journal, Evangelism for the Tongue-Tied, and The Fearless Apologetics Curriculum.

The Disciple-Making Parent has been endorsed by numerous Christian leaders and is the premier book on family discipleship. The  ministry and books have been featured on Focus on the Family and Family Life Today. He graduated from Brown University and Southern Theological Seminary.

Chap and Sharon reside in Rhode Island and are members of Grace Harbor Church in Providence. When he is not ministering the word, Chap likes cycling, college football, reading, and checking out restaurants with his wife. You can find his blog, podcasts, and courses at

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Discipleship Group Registration
to Aug 11

Discipleship Group Registration

  • Concord Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

It is time for our Discipleship Groups to begin making preparations for the fall semester of 2024! 

Concord Member Discipleship Groups are for members wanting to grow more deeply in devotion to God and deepen Christ-centered relationships with others in our church. Discipleship Groups are mostly same gender small groups of 4-6 people that meet every other week (about 6 times a semester). We meet during the months of Feb – May (with a break over the summer), then again in Aug – Nov (with a break for the holidays). Men’s groups and women’s groups meet on alternate weeks to simplify childcare. 

Groups will start meeting the last week of August  and end the week before Thanksgiving. We are praying for you as you seek to meaningfully engage one another for the sake of Christ formed in you!

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Vacation Bible School
to Jun 20

Vacation Bible School

  • Concord Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Have you ever wished you could compete in the Olympics?  Perhaps win a gold medal?  Or maybe you aren’t so much into competing as you are in watching all of the amazing athletes compete during the Olympics and cheering them on.  Well, regardless of your athletic abilities, this summer at VBS is where you can train to run the race of life and faith.  This race has a heavenly prize waiting for you that is more awesome than all the Olympic gold in the world!  Join the race Monday through Thursday, June 17-20, from 9am-12pm each day. Register HERE by June 16! If you would like to purchase a t-shirt for $10, please register by May 30.

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Churchwide Prayer Meeting
5:00 PM17:00

Churchwide Prayer Meeting

Please join us on the evening of Sunday, June 16, from 5 - 6:15 pm in the Worship Center for our next Prayer Meeting! This is always an encouraging time of praise, confession, intercession, and fellowship together. We invite everyone to come with eager hearts of worship!

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Discover Concord
3:00 PM15:00

Discover Concord

Are you considering joining the Concord family? Do you just want more information about our church and what we believe? You won't want to miss our next membership class! Discover Concord is a one-afternoon seminar designed to introduce you to Concord's beliefs, structure, and ministries. Our next class is Sunday, June 9, from 3-6 pm in the Lower Hall. Light refreshments will be provided. Please register HERE by June 5. For more information or to request childcare, please call the church office at 423-892-9313. 

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Monthly Prayer Groups
6:30 AM06:30

Monthly Prayer Groups

Our monthly prayer groups will gather together Tuesday, May 7 in the Lower Hall. Men will meet from 6:30-7 am and women will meet from 11:15-11:45 am. For more information, men may contact Will Hutchinson at 423-718-1407 and women may contact Natalie King at 423-443-2487.

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Concord Family Picnic
4:00 PM16:00

Concord Family Picnic

Our annual Concord Family Picnic will be Sunday, May 26, from 4-7pm at the Ridgedale Baptist Church Pavilion, across the road from Ridgedale Baptist on Hickory Valley Road. Bring your own lawn chair or picnic blanket and share in some food and fellowship! Dinner will start at 5pm. Please register HERE by May 20. We will provide the main dish, and we ask each family to bring 2 side dishes to share!

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Parent-Child Dedication
10:30 AM10:30

Parent-Child Dedication

Join us for our Parent-Child dedication on May 12 during our Worship Service on Mother’s Day. If you would like to participate, please register HERE by May 2. There will be a preparation class on Wednesday, May 8, at 5:30 pm in Concord Hall. For more information, please contact Pastor Kevin Cooley at

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Monthly Prayer Groups
6:30 AM06:30

Monthly Prayer Groups

Our monthly prayer groups will gather together Tuesday, May 7 in the Lower Hall. Men will meet from 6:30-7 am and women will meet from 11:15-11:45 am. For more information, men may contact Will Hutchinson at 423-718-1407 and women may contact Natalie King at 423-443-2487.

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Churchwide Prayer Meeting
5:00 PM17:00

Churchwide Prayer Meeting

Please join us on the evening of Sunday, April 21, from 5 - 6:15 pm in the Worship Center for our next Prayer Meeting! This is always an encouraging time of praise, confession, intercession, and fellowship together. We invite everyone to come with eager hearts of worship!

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Monthly Prayer Groups
6:30 AM06:30

Monthly Prayer Groups

Our monthly prayer groups will gather together Tuesday, April 2 in the Lower Hall. Men will meet from 6:30 — 7 am and women will meet from 11:15 — 11:45 am. For more information, men may contact Will Hutchinson at 423-718-1407 and women may contact Natalie King at 423-443-2487.

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Children's Easter Event
3:00 PM15:00

Children's Easter Event

Children, ages 4 through fifth grade, are invited to our annual Children’s Easter Celebration on Sunday, March 24 from 3 — 5 pm. This year, the resurrection will be explored with activities tailored to each age group. Please register on Church Center. For more information or to volunteer, contact Hannah Thompson at

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Monthly Prayer Groups
6:30 AM06:30

Monthly Prayer Groups

Our monthly prayer groups will gather Tuesday, March 5 in the Lower Hall. Men will meet from 6:30 — 7 am and women will meet from 11:15 — 11:45 am. For more information, men may contact Will Hutchinson at 423-718-1407 and women may contact Natalie King at 423-443-2487.

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Discover Concord
3:00 PM15:00

Discover Concord

Are you considering joining the Concord family? Do you just want more information about our church and what we believe? You won’t want to miss our next class! Discover Concord is a three-hour seminar designed to introduce you to Concord’s beliefs, structure, and ministries. Our next class is Sunday, February 25, from 3 - 6 pm in the Lower Hall. Light refreshments will be provided. Registration can be completed HERE by February 1. For more information or questions, please call the church office at 423-892-9313 with questions or requests for childcare.

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Churchwide Prayer Meeting
5:00 PM17:00

Churchwide Prayer Meeting

Please join us on the evening of Sunday, February 18, from 5 - 6 pm in the Worship Center for our next Prayer Meeting! This is always an encouraging time of praise, confession, intercession, and fellowship together. We invite everyone to come with eager hearts of worship!

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Ladies Valentine's Tea
3:00 PM15:00

Ladies Valentine's Tea

Ladies and little ladies, ages 3 and up, are invited to join us for our annual Valentine’s Tea on February 11 at 3 pm in the Gym. This year, we will spotlight Hope 4 One Ministries. Please bring $3 cash for admission, per person, to go directly to Hope 4 One. In addition to the admission fee, we are collecting the following items for Hope 4 One: shampoos, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, soap, diapers, wipes, socks, underwear, and pajamas for all ages. Seating is limited to please register HERE by February 4.

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Monthly Prayer Groups
6:30 AM06:30

Monthly Prayer Groups

Our monthly prayer groups will gather together Tuesday, February 6 in the Lower Hall. Men will meet from 6:30 — 7 am and women will meet from 11:15 — 11:45 am. For more information, men may contact Pastor Kevin Cooley at and women may contact Natalie King at 423-443-2487.

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Annual Chili Cook-off
5:30 PM17:30

Annual Chili Cook-off

Our annual Chili Cook-Off returns this year on January 28 at 5:30 pm in the Gym! Bring your appetite, along with a crockpot full of your famous chili, soup, cornbread, side, or dessert to share. We will have prizes for the best traditional chili, non-traditional chili, and the infamous “not-a-chili” (soup).

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